Gina van der Ploeg, Pulp Sheet, 2023



The AVA’s 2024 annual general meeting will be held on 16 October at 6pm at the AVA Gallery, 35 Church St, Cape Town CBD.

The agenda, as set out by the constitution, will be as follows:

1.     Welcome and proceedings

2.     Acceptance of last year’s minutes

3.     The Chairperson of the Board’s annual report

4.     The Treasurer’s report 

5.     Director’s Report

6.     Introduction of existing and prospective Board members

7.     The election of new Board members by ballot

8.     The appointment of an auditor for the coming year

9.     Any other business 

10.  Outcome of election

In respect of certain agenda items:

1.     In proceedings, the board would like to address the following items:
a) Ratification of co-options. 
b) Request for a waiver for holding the AGM later than 9 months after the end of the financial year. 
Last year’s minutes can be found here.

2.     The financials for the year ending 31st December 2023 will be presented by the current Treasurer (effective January 2024). Copies are available here.

3.     The names and terms of current Board members are: Keely Shinners (Chairperson), Michael Gran (Treasurer), Ina Voloshin (Vice Chairperson), Antony Arvan, Candice Thikeson, Helen Andrews, Jonathan Goschen, Sindile Mkhabela, Elske Henderson, Tebogo George Mahashe, Angela Shaw, and Olga Speakes (Director, ex-officio). 

4.     Board Member standing for re-election: Ina Voloshin. Her bio can be found here.

5.     Board Member to be co-opted:

o   Michael Gran is currently Executive Director of Marvol Development (Pty) Ltd located in Stellenbosch where he focuses on property development. Michael graduated in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, and Management from Rensselaer. Through 2020, he was intensely focused on his work as a financial analyst and equities portfolio manager in New York, London, and Paris. Michael has also held leadership roles to manage the transition of financial businesses to the latest technological innovations, first to networking, then the internet and E-commerce, and more recently to the development of large-scale information systems and Artificial Intelligence. Michael has further experience as a co-founder and director of international companies in the financial field, and currently as a financial advisor/consultant to technology-focused start-ups. Michael and his family have been nurturing their small collection of modern art since the late 90s, which in recent years is focused on works by living artists in South Africa.

6.     The prospective board members are as follows:

o   Yazeed Kamaldien is a Cape Town-born journalist, photographer and documentary filmmaker. His films and photography have been shown in galleries, as part of public art festivals and screened in cinemas and as part of community dialogues. He has also participated in artist residencies. His work as a journalist has taken him to different parts of the world, including a number of conflict zones such as Darfur, Gaza, Syria and Yemen. This led him to pursue a master's degree in international peace studies, graduating in 2002, in the United States.

o   Grady T Zeeman, originally a Fashion Designer, started her painting career in 2008 with her first international group exhibition in India, and in October 2020 her first solo exhibition in Rome, Italy. She has participated in various exhibitions in South Africa, USA, UK, Europe, and Asia. Zeeman has also taken part in the Florence Biennale 2011, Siel de Paris 2012, London Biennale 2019, and Amsterdam Art Fair 2019. Her work has been published in NY Arts Magazine, South African Art Times, Arttour International Magazine (mentioned as a Top Artist to Watch in 2018 and 2024), “50 Artists to Watch” 2023 edition by Florence Contemporary, as well as numerous other books and magazines. She has been a finalist in a couple of art competitions, as well as a Finalist in the Global Art Awards in Dubai 2017.  From 2011 to 2017 Zeeman owned the Kunstehuijs Art Gallery in Swellendam South Africa, where she exhibited her work and represented other South African artists.

•       Only paid-up members are eligible to vote. You can become a member here. Paid-up members who cannot be physically present may vote for their preferred board nominees by email by filling out a proxy form here and returning it to no later than 15 October 2024.

Following from the AGM, please join us for a presentation by a guest speaker and refreshments.

Kindly RSVP to

Ruby Wilson