More meaningful in your absence


Tangeni Kambudu

21.01.21 - 25.02.21

Main Gallery

Tangeni Kambudu's exhibition "More meaningful in your absence" deals with contradicting feelings of exclusion vs equality. His series of meticulously etched mirrors is designed to reflect how we see ourselves and how we relate to one another.

"I decided to investigate identity, power and responsibility by inviting the audiences in with the use of mirrors, a symbol of the potential for self-reflection and realization." - Tangeni Kambudu

The exhibition consists of an installation of eight mirrors shaped like clothing patterns, hanging on a rail, and twelve framed mirror artworks hung from walls. By painstakingly etching away sections of the reflective backing, using a seam ripper from his sowing kit, the artist has create patterns on each mirror. Ultimately, standing in front of a work, gives the viewer a distorted reflection of self in the remaining sections of the mirror. Being reflected in the work, the viewer's image is co-opted into the fabric of the work for a moment, giving meaning and movement to the work that is unique every time, and to each viewer.

Artist Bio
'I am a creative and as creative my role in society is to encourage hope, express myself, share my sensitivity, and to communicate with people."

Tangeni Kambudu's conceptual process is inspired by the darkest entities of modern-day society and human-behavior. Kambudu experiments with the idea of infinity, shock, confusion and emotion, making visual uncertainty a constant in his work.

The idea is always to transcend beyond the damaged; beyond the trauma; beyond the memories and to seek refuge within empathy. I am speaking directly to society, and criticize human behaviour by evoking emotions and uncertainty through metamorphosing.

- Tangeni Kambudu