Conserve myself to communicate with my ancestors


A solo exhibition by David Hlongwane

03.09.2020 - 08.10.2020

AVA Long Gallery

When David Hlongwane lost his eye, he thought he would never sculpt again. During his recovery, as he learned to deal with his loss, Hlongwane sought comfort in his heritage and spirituality. Although he was forced to start at square one, Hlongwane understood the importance of conserving his heritage through his artwork. He knew that to do so, he would have to accept the body he found himself in. Hlongwane has a history of political activism and, naturally, his current work continues to communicate both his own struggles as well as those of the community around him. This exhibition “Conserve Myself to Communicate with my Ancestors” holds a powerful message of community, identity, and perseverance.

“By learning to communicate with my ancestors, I had to think about and remember the people I have lost: my father, my wife, my friends, my mentors, people who died on the struggle, and draw strength from them. They are with me spiritually. I can feel them here. Our Ancestors are part of our history. I don't see art as a money-making venture. Art is to heal. Art touches you. It is personal and it makes you think about your own life. I make art that people can relate to, that helps people understand their pain, so that they may begin to heal.

That is why I make art, both for me and for my people.”


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