freelancehoneybadgerr, Life In Transit, 2024


LegakwanaLeo Makgekgenene, freelancehoneybadgerr, Moleboge Mokgosi, Kutlo Mabua, Rrangwane

Organised by Thebe Phetogo

Long Gallery: 25.04.25 - 05.06.25

CURRENTS is a group exhibition featuring the work of young and emerging artists from Botswana who work across various digital media, including photomontage, collaging, print and video. 'Currents' here carries multifarious meanings. Firstly, representing the 'now'; by platforming new work being made by vanguard voices in Botswana's increasingly visible and evolving visual arts sphere. Another reading of 'currents' is in reference to the flow of information-carrying electrons through a circuit in computing, a play on the digital nativity of the work both in how it is made and, in some cases, how the work gets transmitted to a public.