5 questions with Luxolo Witvoet

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Are there any specific artists or movements that influence your work?

There are definitely a lot of movements that influence me. I am in the process of narrowing and combining my influences in order to find my own unique expression. I am inspired by the new generation of kids who are learning things online and doing it themselves.

What is the most challenging thing about being an artist?

Many factors. One of them is trying to make a sustainable living through your work. Also, the biggest challenge is creating unique work in an era where almost everything has been done.

Name three artist living or dead that you would like to have dinner with?

Federico Fellini, Lina Iris Viktor, and Samuel Ross.

What is the best life lesson being an artist has taught you?

To follow your instinct and trust and believe in yourself.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? In order to produce work that is original, you have to be willing to be vulnerable and to face your fears by hanging your skeletons out of the closet.