a short philosophy on medium


Group show

Curated by Henrietta Scholtz and Michele Rolstone

14.10.21 - 25..11.21

Long gallery and New Media room

a short philosophy on medium

Medium (n.) the intervening substance through which sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces are transmitted.

A short philosophy on medium brings together eight artists from Cape Town and Johannesburg, to highlight how medium occupies and represents the space between concept and reality/physicality in their work. 

Medium at its core can be seen as a conduit between concept and the act of making. The artists were asked to share their thoughts on this relationship and symbiosis. This took the form of part statement, part speech, part poetry.  

 A short philosophy on medium therefore acts both as a text and an “intervening substance” between artist, process, artwork and viewer.


Download the catalogue here